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▍ Brewing Movie is a movie fan community that combines digital content & physical publications for movie fans.
Since its inception in 2017, Brewing Film has written more than 1,000 articles and gathered more than 100 outstanding Taiwanese film critics. It not only curates digital special topics, interviews with characters, reviews films and albums, but also establishes a deep relationship with film festivals all over Taiwan. Partnership; from 2020 onwards, we have successively published the beautifully designed and profoundly written quarterly magazine "Boiled Film", and also held dozens of full lectures, talks, and post-screening activities; in 2022, we will launch Taiwan's first "Film" "Themed" calendar product, with a horizontal 16:9 shape with a black background, perfectly presents the concept of "movie black box", using "illustration ✕ text ✕ easter eggs" every day, so that your 365 days are accompanied by movies.
Come with us and take a sip of the goodness of the movie!