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We make eco-friendly paper bags,
Paper bag is sustainable paper bag,tear resistant,can wash,lightweight,
very durable,classy and simple
My idea! I want to use a simple bag style but I can not find everywhere.
So, I made it and use it!
I think paper bag is strange, many people think paper is paper and easy to tear
but I find Tyvek paper and Kraft paper is strong paper.
Tyvek paper(white) like Fedex packaging.
Kraft paper(brown,dark brown,black) like Jeans labels.
I think if made the bag by Tyvek and Kraft paper and use it.
It is very cool, I think so
So! now I can made it many design. We can made all bag in the world by paper
because Tyvek and Kraft paper is new material for the bag
Thank you!