Product size: Clutch - Length 37 x Height 25 cm
Product material: 420D washed nylon / cross embossed cowhide / bronze gold metal
Product color: tea gold
Product accessories: detachable narrow shoulder strap/cotton dust bag
Note: Some detail pictures are taken in black, please refer to the actual product color. The main product does not include situational photography items. This store does not include small item storage bags.
Product Warranty: For product defects not caused by human factors/external forces/improper use, a six-month warranty is provided; for product defects caused by human factors/external forces/improper use, repair costs and shipping costs will be charged (the actual costs will be quoted separately depending on the condition of the product). Nylon bags will experience normal wear and tear as they are used, and the metal parts have been painted, such as through painting, and some discoloration may occur after use. These are normal signs of use and are not covered by the warranty. Please forgive us for any inconvenience.
Product material: 420D washed nylon / cross embossed cowhide / bronze gold metal
Product color: tea gold
Product accessories: detachable narrow shoulder strap/cotton dust bag
Note: Some detail pictures are taken in black, please refer to the actual product color. The main product does not include situational photography items. This store does not include small item storage bags.
Product Warranty: For product defects not caused by human factors/external forces/improper use, a six-month warranty is provided; for product defects caused by human factors/external forces/improper use, repair costs and shipping costs will be charged (the actual costs will be quoted separately depending on the condition of the product). Nylon bags will experience normal wear and tear as they are used, and the metal parts have been painted, such as through painting, and some discoloration may occur after use. These are normal signs of use and are not covered by the warranty. Please forgive us for any inconvenience.