Ubuntu Story
In Ancient Greece, natural gems are used for medical & healing purpose. It works particularly well with our most important liquid in life – water. Modern Science has proved that natural gems are able to reconstruct water into its natural form.
Ubuntu is created to inspire the habit of modern human reconnecting to Mother Nature. With your beautiful Ubuntu Bottle, you can reinvent water into its’ most natural form in merely 6 minutes. Simply put water in, sit back and relax, then you can taste the difference instantly on the texture and taste of your water.

You can mix and match the gemstone that you like & fit your needs!~
In Ancient Greece, natural gems are used for medical & healing purpose. It works particularly well with our most important liquid in life – water. Modern Science has proved that natural gems are able to reconstruct water into its natural form.
Ubuntu is created to inspire the habit of modern human reconnecting to Mother Nature. With your beautiful Ubuntu Bottle, you can reinvent water into its’ most natural form in merely 6 minutes. Simply put water in, sit back and relax, then you can taste the difference instantly on the texture and taste of your water.

You can mix and match the gemstone that you like & fit your needs!~