Personalized retirement cards for men. Best handmade cards. Cards contain many different details (small and large) that were created by hand. It's always fun to look at. I use a lot of different materials in my work to give the cards a special charm. Each card is very individual.
The card has a volume, all layers are raised one above the other. The card is made in the form of a tent and can stand on its own on a table, sideboard or fireplace. Closed size is approximately 6 * 6 inches.
The set includes the following items:
- greeting card
- blank form for handwritten message
- gift box.
Additionally, you can order:
- print private message inside the card
Your purchase will be neatly packaged. I ship all parcels by regular mail and provide a tracking number. Please place an order in advance to receive your package on time.
Created in a pet-free and non-smoking home.
If you have any questions, press the button "Contact designer" and I will contact you in 24 hours.
The card has a volume, all layers are raised one above the other. The card is made in the form of a tent and can stand on its own on a table, sideboard or fireplace. Closed size is approximately 6 * 6 inches.
The set includes the following items:
- greeting card
- blank form for handwritten message
- gift box.
Additionally, you can order:
- print private message inside the card
Your purchase will be neatly packaged. I ship all parcels by regular mail and provide a tracking number. Please place an order in advance to receive your package on time.
Created in a pet-free and non-smoking home.
If you have any questions, press the button "Contact designer" and I will contact you in 24 hours.