| Small farmers friendly planting of Roselle | Natural non-toxic grass cultivation | Exclusive special low temperature drying process |
36 seconds of hot and cold brewing can be used, the tea soup is extremely beautiful and bright red, and the nutrients are completely released.
Roselle contains polyphenol antioxidants, the best drink for beauty and beauty
It does not contain chemical additives, and it is harvested manually, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and retains the complete pattern.
Select Taichung alpine to grow non-toxic roselle, irrigate alpine spring water and pollution-free soil, go through the process of manual harvesting, cleaning, and manual seed removal by farmers, and then use the exclusive low-temperature drying technology to make a After the blossoming roselle is brewed into cold or hot water, anthocyanins and nutrients are released immediately, making the tea soup a beautiful bright red, and it has a unique sweet and sour smell of roselle. Open up the natural colors and feel the amazing slightly sour taste.
| Qingnong suggests how to drink the best drink |
Vitality Roselle Tea:
Put several roselles + several slices of lemongrass into the pot one after another and pour into the water, the light lemon fragrance and roselle smooth the throat, full of vitamin C, which is the source of daily vitality.