This is a color combination that is highly accepted by both elders and peers (can communicate with other colors)
No flowers: roses (width is about 2.5-3cm)
Dry flowers: Canary, Star, Eliga, Casbia, etc.
● The above flowers can be stored for 1~2 years, or longer, depending on the humidity of the storage environment. Since the dried flowers are all waterless, it is inevitable that some debris will fall when wearing them. Please also take care (each one will be attached to Zhuzhen).
● Because the flower poses vary in size and are hand-made, each boutonniere will not be exactly the same.
│ size │
The general brooch size is about 7cm high.
Boxed out.
No flowers: roses (width is about 2.5-3cm)
Dry flowers: Canary, Star, Eliga, Casbia, etc.
● The above flowers can be stored for 1~2 years, or longer, depending on the humidity of the storage environment. Since the dried flowers are all waterless, it is inevitable that some debris will fall when wearing them. Please also take care (each one will be attached to Zhuzhen).
● Because the flower poses vary in size and are hand-made, each boutonniere will not be exactly the same.
│ size │
The general brooch size is about 7cm high.
Boxed out.