Godongsang l Masking (Washi) Tape - A Round Day
This is a masking tape of cats' round days.
It is 25MM thick, so it is highly utilized. Use it to attach a postcard or write a diary!
It's removable, so it doesn't leave a mark even if you take off the tape and has good adhesion.
Size: 25mm×10M
*There may be small dots of less than 1mm, ink splashes, or fine dust jam caused by static electricity.
*Depending on the color of the light and monitor, there may be a difference in color from the actual product.
![Godongsang l Masking (Washi) Tape - A Round Day - Washi Tape - Paper Multicolor](https://cdn04.pinkoi.com/pinkoi.site/space.gif)
This is a masking tape of cats' round days.
It is 25MM thick, so it is highly utilized. Use it to attach a postcard or write a diary!
It's removable, so it doesn't leave a mark even if you take off the tape and has good adhesion.
Size: 25mm×10M
*There may be small dots of less than 1mm, ink splashes, or fine dust jam caused by static electricity.
*Depending on the color of the light and monitor, there may be a difference in color from the actual product.
![Godongsang l Masking (Washi) Tape - A Round Day - Washi Tape - Paper Multicolor](https://shop-phinf.pstatic.net/20231021_159/1697898517038AeiPO_JPEG/%EA%B3%A0%EB%8F%99%EC%83%81_%EB%A7%88%EC%8A%A4%ED%82%B9%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%B4%ED%94%84_%EB%8F%99%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%80_%ED%95%98%EB%A3%A8_%EC%83%81%EC%84%B8%ED%8E%98%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%80.jpg?type=w860)