Note: The hand-made commodities non-machinery production, each shape can not guarantee 100% of the copy with the photo copy. Some of the stars of the small eyes, long hand, some stars, some stars look chubby! Each is unique, full of hand-made sense of design.
After the order, which will receive only a small star it? Is fate - but certainly each is carefully making.
Clouds Size: Width about 5.5 ~ 6.5cm x length of about 5.5 ~ 6.5cm.
Necklace: gold, chain length circle about 75cm.
After the order, which will receive only a small star it? Is fate - but certainly each is carefully making.
Clouds Size: Width about 5.5 ~ 6.5cm x length of about 5.5 ~ 6.5cm.
Necklace: gold, chain length circle about 75cm.