/ Commodity Description and story /
India handmade fair trade organizations in India Moradabad is a city of seven hundred thousand people, of which more than half are involved in the metal crafts business, but has long been plagued by low-income artisans problem forced to exporters borrowing to complete the product.
Through a fair trade organization craftsmen who receive higher salaries, their children receive an education free!
Opening beer bottle use
/ Size /
/ Material /
/ Operate and maintain /
Corkage drink
/ Designer and brand profile /
Cocoon wrap design + Fair Trade
The first World Fair Trade Organization WFTO certified member of Taiwan
noah's ark
Origin / manufacturing methods
India produced fair trade organizations
India handmade fair trade organizations in India Moradabad is a city of seven hundred thousand people, of which more than half are involved in the metal crafts business, but has long been plagued by low-income artisans problem forced to exporters borrowing to complete the product.
Through a fair trade organization craftsmen who receive higher salaries, their children receive an education free!
Opening beer bottle use
/ Size /
/ Material /
/ Operate and maintain /
Corkage drink
/ Designer and brand profile /
Cocoon wrap design + Fair Trade
The first World Fair Trade Organization WFTO certified member of Taiwan
noah's ark
Origin / manufacturing methods
India produced fair trade organizations