Multitasking ballpoint pen with centimetre and inch ruler, 1:20 m and 1:50 m scale, spirit level, slotted and Phillips screwdriver and a stylus, lacquered brass, with black refill,
Everything is going according to plan Planning aid and tool box in one! The multitasking ballpoint pen CONSTRUCTION really has a lot on it - and in it. Various scales, centimetre and inch ruler, slotted and Phillips screwdriver, stylus and spirit level. Nothing can go wrong now!
Measure: 10 x 10 x 150 mm
Weight: 36 g
Multitasking ballpoint pen with centimetre and inch ruler, 1:20 m and 1:50 m scale, spirit level, slotted and Phillips screwdriver and a stylus, lacquered brass, with black refill,
Everything is going according to plan Planning aid and tool box in one! The multitasking ballpoint pen CONSTRUCTION really has a lot on it - and in it. Various scales, centimetre and inch ruler, slotted and Phillips screwdriver, stylus and spirit level. Nothing can go wrong now!
Measure: 10 x 10 x 150 mm
Weight: 36 g