/ Size, size, size, weight /
Dimensions approximately 12cm wide 15cmX high
Bottom width 14cmX5cm
◎ Fuji instax mini 25 special
◎ handmade bag about the size of about 1cm error.
◎ attached removable, adjustable strap beige,
/ Material /
Suede cloth, cotton cloth, first dyeing, thick cloth lining, cotton shop, ribbon, metal accessories
Inside color different times and believe me mix
/ Notes /
Please note that this style is the aforementioned goods stores sold the main map
The following picture showing the non-relevant style reference section of the store Sold

lh5.googleusercontent.com/-sLWhwff8...E7% B1% B3% E5% B7% B4% E5% 8C% 8510.jpg
Direct marketing send freshest
lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aoI9nA-Q...% 83% B3% E9% 9F% B3% E6% A8% 82% E7% AF% 8003.jpg
Origin / manufacturing methods
Taiwan / My hands independent design
Dimensions approximately 12cm wide 15cmX high
Bottom width 14cmX5cm
◎ Fuji instax mini 25 special
◎ handmade bag about the size of about 1cm error.
◎ attached removable, adjustable strap beige,
/ Material /
Suede cloth, cotton cloth, first dyeing, thick cloth lining, cotton shop, ribbon, metal accessories
Inside color different times and believe me mix
/ Notes /
Please note that this style is the aforementioned goods stores sold the main map
The following picture showing the non-relevant style reference section of the store Sold

lh5.googleusercontent.com/-sLWhwff8...E7% B1% B3% E5% B7% B4% E5% 8C% 8510.jpg
Direct marketing send freshest
lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aoI9nA-Q...% 83% B3% E9% 9F% B3% E6% A8% 82% E7% AF% 8003.jpg
Origin / manufacturing methods
Taiwan / My hands independent design