If the rain glooms the day,Let us look forward to the bright tomorrow .
(Fill-in-Blank Postcard) You could write down some words to your friends.
And tell them: everything will be better.
“Tomorrow”will be better.
“Next job”will be better.
“Next relationship”will be better.
(To speak my mind) [ If you love me back] that would be even better.
I know that we will be better.
Paper / Ivory Board (Tooled in red gold )
Thickness / 220P
Size / 10.5X14.8cm
Illustrated by KerKerland, Made in Taiwan
(Fill-in-Blank Postcard) You could write down some words to your friends.
And tell them: everything will be better.
“Tomorrow”will be better.
“Next job”will be better.
“Next relationship”will be better.
(To speak my mind) [ If you love me back] that would be even better.
I know that we will be better.
Paper / Ivory Board (Tooled in red gold )
Thickness / 220P
Size / 10.5X14.8cm
Illustrated by KerKerland, Made in Taiwan