brass bracelet.Customized service manual lettering(purchased brass bracelet to add purchase this service!)
Customized lettering services. U unique tailored belong

Hand lettering buying ▲ ▲
Purchase the following commodities, plus purchase hand-lettering customization service (commodity price lettering fee, along with the need to hand in a ring under a single order)
-Original brass bracelet(3MM)->
-Original brass bracelet(6MM)->
-Original brass bracelet(8MM)->
▲ ▲ lettering location
bracelet beta

bracelet outer(temporarily orders are currently only Usually the inside lettering)

▲ ▲ lettering content
Marking up to 10 capital letters or (numbers / symbols)
Letters: AZ
Digital: 0-9
Symbol: & ♡ ∞
Be sure that you want when ordering remarks lettering content, designers can accelerate the speed of delivery
▲ designer small caution ▲
Bracelets are hand knock India
It can not be 100 percent, "neat" arrangement
If the guest is very required uniformity
Care should be taken before the next one -
Little is not perfect, but also the characteristics handmade goods :)
▲ bracelet lettering demonstration ▲


▲ ▲ manufacturing methods
- Handmade from My Heart
Customized lettering services. U unique tailored belong

Hand lettering buying ▲ ▲
Purchase the following commodities, plus purchase hand-lettering customization service (commodity price lettering fee, along with the need to hand in a ring under a single order)
-Original brass bracelet(3MM)->
-Original brass bracelet(6MM)->
-Original brass bracelet(8MM)->
▲ ▲ lettering location
bracelet beta

bracelet outer(temporarily orders are currently only Usually the inside lettering)

▲ ▲ lettering content
Marking up to 10 capital letters or (numbers / symbols)
Letters: AZ
Digital: 0-9
Symbol: & ♡ ∞
Be sure that you want when ordering remarks lettering content, designers can accelerate the speed of delivery
▲ designer small caution ▲
Bracelets are hand knock India
It can not be 100 percent, "neat" arrangement
If the guest is very required uniformity
Care should be taken before the next one -
Little is not perfect, but also the characteristics handmade goods :)
▲ bracelet lettering demonstration ▲

▲ ▲ manufacturing methods
- Handmade from My Heart