Polar bear is I'm drinking beer clings to the via mug.
To 1mm thick card in the manual of letterpress printing machine and finished by printing one color one by one. This card is printed five times.
The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - over
Size: card · 15 × 10cm envelope, Western 2 barracuda envelope
Contents: One-envelope 1 card
Printing: letterpress printing
To 1mm thick card in the manual of letterpress printing machine and finished by printing one color one by one. This card is printed five times.
The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - The - over
Size: card · 15 × 10cm envelope, Western 2 barracuda envelope
Contents: One-envelope 1 card
Printing: letterpress printing