
Welcome! Pinkoi is Asia’s online marketplace for original design goods. We’re looking for more exceptional brands to join us, as we continue to provide customers from around the world with great design.
In order to ensure that all products comply with Pinkoi’s Allowed & Prohibited Items Policy, we will be reviewing all shop applications. The application form below can be completed in about 10 minutes. Thanks for taking the time to share your brand with us!

Your full name
Please fill in the name for the person in charge of the brand or the main contact person.
Contact number
Brand name
This will become your Pinkoi shop name. Try to choose one that's easy to read and understand.
Shop username
Register a username for your shop. This username will be used to log in to your Pinkoi shop and will appear in your shop’s URL (i.e., We recommend you use your brand’s name in English for your username rather than a personal name. Once approved, shop usernames are permanent and cannot be changed. Please make sure that you fill in your username correctly.
You may enter a maximum of 20 characters. Please enter lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only. No spaces or other symbols are allowed.
Your email address
We will contact you via this email address.
How did you find out about Pinkoi?
Received invitation to open a shop from Pinkoi
Attended a Pinkoi recruitment event or other lecture
From a friend / family member or found out yourself
From a Pinkoi brand/designer
Already run a shop on Pinkoi
Google keyword recruitment ad
Facebook recruitment ad
Instagram recruitment ad
You are a...
Designer, artist, or creator
Part-time designer (you have a day job)
Design studio/team, or design company
Which product type do you wish to sell?
Physical or digital products
Original design: products designed and/or created by a designer (or their team/manufacturer).
Authorized representation: products that you have obtained written authorization from the original brand or creator, or have other legal rights to sell.
10+ year-old vintage: products that are graced with age (10+ years), in good condition, and rare.
Workshops: unique, high-quality workshops or experiences.
Workshops sold on Pinkoi cannot be events that are free of charge, special sales events or other promotional events. Workshops can either be held at a physical location or online. For examples, please see Pinkoi Experience.
Categories that you wish to sell under
Please select the categories for the products that you wish to sell (you can select more than one). The detailed subcategories under each category can be viewed on the Pinkoi homepage.
Baby & Kids
Home & Living
Pet Supplies
DIY Materials
Recreation & Leisure
Food & Drink
Shoes & Socks
Kitchen & Dining
Beauty & Personal Care
Digital Goods
Your location
Please enter in the location you will be shipping from or where your workshops will be held. This will be reflected in your shop’s location and related settings.
United States
Select the preferred currency for your shop
Please note that once you make this choice, it will be final and unchangable.
United States Dollar (USD) US$
Where are your products made?
Please enter in the location where the products are manufactured (for example, if a product was designed in Taiwan but made in mainland China, you would fill in mainland China). For agents, please enter the manufacturing location of the original brand.
Links to your social media, website and other sales channels
You’re welcome to provide links to your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), official website and other sales channels (PChome, Etsy, etc.) for our reference.
Add link
Introduce your brand
Tell us about your design ideals and the concepts behind your products. Share your blogs, event photos, and anything else that helps to tell your story.
Please provide 5 photos of products or workshops that you'll be able to sell immediately.
Please provide actual photos of the products that can be viewed clearly, ensuring that the products are in focus.
Please do not include logos or text on top of the photos and do not overuse filters or composite images.

I’ve read and understood Pinkoi’s Allowed & Prohibited Items Policy, and confirm that my products can be categorized as allowed items on Pinkoi.

I understand and agree to Pinkoi’s Business Models and Fees.

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